
The North American Jules Verne Society, Inc. was founded in April 1993 and is a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Ohio. We are tax-exempt under IRS Code section 501(c)(3) and are set up with the following goals and objectives:
  • To promote interest in Jules Verne and his writings.
  • To provide a forum for the interchange of information and materials about and/or relating to Jules Verne and his works, such as our annual meeting with workshops and presentations.
  • To stimulate Jules Verne research.
  • To publish a news magazine Extraordinary Voyages with articles about Jules Verne and Society related issues.
  • Our members have created or contributed to numerous publications.

The Work to be Done--A Bibliographic Note to Publishers and Translators on Works by Jules Verne Not Published in the United States.

A note to new readers of Jules Verne, we invite you to click on this link to learn more about some of his works.